Thursday 30 January 2014

Impressions about La Rambla

 Barcelona, capital of Catalonia, is more than 3000 kilometers away from Lithuania. And before decision to come here for erasmus i didn't knew much about the city, maybe that in 1992 there was olympic games and that it has famous football club. With a population of 3.2 million people, it has basically same number of people like my whole country. But Spain is far more religous, and has 97% of Roman Catholics. And what i noticed in newsstands around La Rambla, that maybe one third of the press is related with erotics. Maybe it's because of catalonian temperament, that tells not to save money for literature like this, or maybe it's tradition like this, because Barcelona is famous for one more reason, in this square there's famous in the world erotic museum. The reason, why the streets are so full of erotic literature - varous magazines for all kinds of fantasy, posters, videocassettes, CD's for about 10-15 euros, may be popularity of the street between tourists too. The street, like pedestrian walkway, starts in the center of the city - Catalunya square, and lasts till magnificent monument for Columbus near Barcelona port. Monument for famous traveler Christopher Columbus was built because, after discovering America, he came to Barcelona, and told about this for king Ferdinand and queen Izabela.

Rambla street surprises not only with exclusive free behavior representing literature, but with central avenue with lots of flowers and various animals shops, street vendors, artists, painters, shows of cards masters in it. I was warned before, that pickpocketers in Barcelona working very professionally, and they are not stealing stuff by passing by, but very delicately can even open inner pockets, to take what they need, and when close them.
Barcelonas La Rambla street is open for traffic. Cars rides at the edges at the street, so central avenue is open for pedestrians. In a narrow streets, like in rest of Barcelona, there's parked many motorcycles, driven by young people. This kind of transport thieves likes as well, so many of the motorcycles is chained near sidewalkes.

Ramblas in spanish language means dry river. It's historically related with protection canal, which was around the fortress. In this place, 300 years ago, when city was expanding, appeared pedestrians avenue. Dry river associates with some kinda mess. Even in this famous street you can see some leftover trashes. But fun and parties is taking place in the street, so there's not much concern about this.

After midnight you can meet some youngsters with eccentric hats or clothes. From La Rambla street usually they are heading to Barcelona port. It's a surprise, but in port near big yacht dock there's famous “Maremagnum” shopping mall, where every night you can visit discos here. It's kinda strange to see flower sellers between youngsters. In Lithuania it's more normal to have a drink before disco. But it's nothing strange, when you know spanish temperament and they attitude to womens.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Facts you may not knew about Barcelona

As i'm doing erasmus in Barcelona, i found some interesting facts about the city, which i would like to write here.
Establishment of Barcelona
Even now nobody exactly knows, when and who founded city of Barcelona. One side says, that legendary Hercules created Barcelona even 400 years earlier, than Rome was built. Other side says, that capital of Catalonia was founded by Halmilcar Barca, who was the father of the Hannibal. Cities origin of name is derived from Barca family, that ruled this region  in 3rd century BC.

Did you knew, that in Barcelona car accidents or other transport related accidents happens every 19 seconds. On weekends this number is even bigger, up to ten traffic accidents every second, included violations of road traffic regulations.So not without reason drivers of this city is considered as one of the worst in all the world.
It's not a big surprise, that many Barcelonians prefer being pedestrians, so in many places in the city, even in the streets, you  can see a lot of people walking. Maybe this is the reason why 130 hectare of the city is dedicated specially for pedestrians. So if you like to walk, this city is especially for you.

Beaches in Barcelona
There's seven beaches in Barcelona, and some of them is considered as one of the most beautiful in Europe. It appears, that until 1992 olympic games all of the city beaches belonged to various companies, and some kind of activities was taking place in them. For better image of the city government of the city moved absolutely all industry to suburbs and created new, not seen before leisure zone, in which appeared many hotels, restaurants, bars, and, of course, new beaches.

The most walked on street in Spain
Near one of the most popular tourist place in Barcelona - Catalunya square - is a street for pedestrians, called Portal de l’Àngel. This place would not be special at all, if not the fact, that through this street passes about 3500 people every hour. Just curious, if anybody have felt this, who had a walked in this street.
The longest built church
One of the most famous of all times architecture Antoni Gaudi created more than one masterpiece for his city of heart - Barcelona. Perhaps the most famous of his works - La Sagrada Familia - Roman Catholic church, was started to be built in 1882, and is still being built. It is said, that he chosen sand selling womans donkey as a model while creating the main entrance of the church.

Monday 27 January 2014

About underestimated city of Girona

While doing my erasmus, i had a luck to visit city of Girona. It's a very nice city, not far away from Barcelona, and in my eyes, it's underestimated and not known enough. So i will tell at least something what i know now.
Why it's worth to visit Girona?
Between Barcelona and Girona there's about 100 km distance, and it's not hard to reach with a bus or a train, within one and a half hour.
The city itself has a population of 100 000 people. City by local people is called a treasure of medieval spain, because of it's architecture and saved real spanish spirit. There's nobody in a hurry, everyone is enjoying the life. So it's a good chance to see at least one more city, without barcelona, while doing your erasmus.

What is worth to see?
For spain this city - port, was very important because of logistics. Just 48 kilometers away is France, and all the rest of spain is very well reached. So it's not a big surprise, that a city was besieged 25 times, and even 7 times captured. Many of the thourists like to walk around Girona defensive walls, which standed here until the end of 19th century. Nowadays part of city walls is restored, and from defensive city towers that has left you can see a very beautiful view to landscape.
La Rambla
Not only Barcelona has it's famous La Rambla square, but here it's called Rambla de la Libertat. Probably a lot of who knows, that in south Europe, especially in Spain or Italy, central square of the city was a real heart of the city with a lot of action taking place. People traded here, searched for love of life, celebrated most important celebrations. So it's not a big surprise, that Rambla de la Libertat nowadays is like this: you can find most popular shops, cafes, clubs, so the life is just boiling from morning till darkness.
Differently than in Barcelona, in here, Girona Rambla de la Libertat square, in the afternoon you will see families,  those have met for cup of coffee, and for the weekend, they are going for lunch. Who have visited all this, saying, that the best thing is, all this action creating not tourists, but locals, so everything seems to be authentic and spanish.

Jewish quarter
Jews in Spain, especially in Catalonia, are living here for a very long time, although ones was taking care of them, and the others was oppressing them. In 12th century to Girona came Jewish community, and from the very first days, they made this city as one of the strongest center of their culture. It's not a suprise, that this quarter was founded in almost center of the city, near cathedral of the city, like closed, mysterious city in the city.
Today the greatness of this block you can see only from architecture and small shops, cafes and bars. You can not only to eat something in here for not a big price, but to drink glass of sangria or great strong coffee with Catalonians deserts.

Museum of films
Placed in the other side of the city, than all other visited places, it's still gets a lot of attention. Museum offers to have a look to cinema industry history from technical side: how was filmed first movies, how functioned first cameras and so on. But the most interesting is temporar expositions, for example, actress Marilyn Monroe costumes, so it's worth to take a look, what's exhibited at that moment.
If you are interested in museums, near box offices ask for Girona card, which allows you to visit museums for half of the price.
Art Nouveau movement heritage
In the beginning of 20th century in all western europe popular architecture movement left it's mark in the face of the city. Delicate style, elegantly selected details of the buidings - this is why it's worth to see this city, if in Barcelona you are interested to see Gaudi architecture.

For rest
You will not feel uproar in Girona, permanent hurry, there's like to hide barcelonians, as well as other cities people.Although for many of the foreigners this city looks very usual, for spanish - it's small oasis, there you can remember old nation traditions, and to enjoy tranquillity.
If you have time and desire, you can visit LaVinyeta vineyards. There you could not only enjoy valuable vine from Empordà region, to see how grapes grown, vine prepared, but to stay too. You will feel like at home, or like visiting relatives, because it's believed, that family like view even to bussiness gonna bring you all the best benefits not only for customers, but for owners as well.

Friday 24 January 2014

First days in Barcelona

this is my first blog, and i want to introduce myself a little bit. I'm sociology student from Lithuania, this is my final year, and i decided to go for my internship to Barcelona. Why Barcelona you would ask. Well, i have done my erasmus studies in Istanbul, it is one of the biggest cities in the world, and it was incredible experience, with all it's muslim culture, chaos, friendly people. It was totally different compared with what i had in my country. So i wanted to find another charming city in Europe. And i choose Bacelona. It's one of the biggest, and one of the most beautiful city in all Europe. It's famous for football, good weather, beaches, amazing architecture, cultural life.
Luckily, before coming to Barcelona, i had a place to live. Nice apartment in a nice neighbourhood. But i found it quite expensive. You can get a decent single room for 300-350 euros per month. As i said, i was lucky i already had a place to stay, as a lot of people searching for the apartments when they are already in Barcelona. Personally, erasmus Barcelona facebook groups helped me to find accomodation, as i was posting in them. But there was some options from or loquo.
I was lucky i found direct flight to Barcelona too. So was no need to change flights, wait long hours between them. Just was some worries about reaching apartment, because usually all the airports is in distance with city center, and Barcelona was no exception. I knew the exact address of the apartment, and that it's somewhere in a distance within 3 kilometers from Plaza Catalunya. And that was it. Was some thoughts about taxi, as i hear they would not cheat, but as a best way to reach Plaza Catalunya i choose Aerobus. It went direct there. There was option to go with city bus, but it's destination was Plaza Espanya, so it was necessary to change buses, and this could cause so discomfort.
After arriving at Placa Catalunya, it seems to be the hardest part to reach apartment, as i knew only the address and that it's quite far away. But i choose to save money, and instead of taxi, decided to walk. I ask few people for destinations, but it i was surprised how easy it was to found everything, and not to get lost in this big city. The reason is, that all the streets is going straight, and everything is divided into blocks, so you just can't turn into wrong street, and you can walk straight all the time.
And the apartment was very nice, quite and old, but tiny, with a very nice architecture, that creates very nice atmosphere, and the balcony. I like this city.

This is photo of my staircase.